24/7 DOXA Content 2017
THURSDAY, 7th December
Proverbs 10 vs
22. ¶The BLESSING of the LORD makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.-|NKJV|
STUDYING through the Holy Scriptures, you will come to the absolute knowledge that there are over thousand promises of blessings laid down for the righteous. Both the Old and New testaments affirm this truth. Thus, there is every indication from God’s word that the righteous is the blessed one (Ps 1:1-6; Mat 5:2-12). However, sometimes it seems the country you find yourself, the challenges and hardships you go through, situations and the environment you find yourself really don’t agree with these scriptural blessings.
But these cannot and should not change God’s word concerning your life. Remember, God has blessed you despite your environment, tribe, family background, education etc through Christ Jesus (Gal 3:13,14). The Apostle revealed this truth concerning the New Creation that “GOD HAS BLESSED US with ALL SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS in Christ” (Eph 1:3). Hallelujah! This is a “heavy-weight” reality birthed by the Holy Spirit.
The spiritual blessings empowers the manifestations of the physical by applying the kingdom principles. Beloved, don’t look at what your current situation, economy or people are saying. Look and focus on what God is saying. His blessing is free of sorrows and pains. You are blessed. Be conscious of this reality every time, everywhere and live it. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you always.
I am blessed by the Lord. Truly His blessings makes me rich in all things and He adds no sorrows. I am blessed in my spiritual life, business, finances,ministry, marriage, health. Oh glory! I am blessed with all spiritual and earthly blessings through Christ Jesus. I am conscious of this, and I am living to enjoy these blessings in Jesus Name. Amen !
*Enjoy A Blessed Thursday !*