24/7 DOXA Content 2018
FRIDAY, 6th April
Genesis 37 vs
10■” When he told his father and his brothers, his father rebuked him, saying, “What is this dream that you had? Will I, your mother, and your brothers really come and bow down to you?”~《NET》
THERE are many ways that God’s Spirit may reveal your purpose or destiny or future to you. Some may come through prophecies, visions and dreams. Every human on earth must encounter one of these in his life. Our focused text speaks of a young man called Joseph. God chose to unveil his future to him through dreams. Dreams are day or night visions usually seen when you are asleep. There are some dreams that are birthed in your heart even without you being asleep. Some are inspired by God, others are not. Some dreams carry a prophetic meaning, others do not. The Holy scripture gives us some evidence of God using dreams to communicate His heart or agenda to mankind.
For instance, Joseph, the husband of Mary, had a serious directive encounter in a dream (Matthew 2:12). Joseph, son of Jacob, too had a prophetic dream. And as young as he was at the time, it wasn’t surprised he revealed to his parents and brethren. However, what matters most is how you receive and respond to the prophetic dream. Joseph loved what he saw, so he talked about it. Whenever you have a prophetic dream, pray about it. Compare it with God’s word. You can also seek a genuine prophet of God for guidance. Every prophetic dream has its time of manifestation. So you’ll need guidance else you may abort it.
Beloved, when the Holy Spirit gives you a picture of your future, you must believe that photograph. Afterwards, protect, guard and water the seed of that dream for a greater tomorrow. Remember, nobody may believe in your dream or vision; it may sound crazy or even unrealistic; it may even sound threatening; but believe and protect your dream. God knows that you can keep or carry that dream till it manifest. Keep on believing, guarding and receiving instructions for the fulfilment of your God-given dream, vision or plan. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Glorious Father, I thank You for revealing unto me Your agenda for my life. I receive guidance to walk in line with Your will for me in Jesus Name. Amen!
◇ Enjoy A Fulfilling Friday ! ◇
*Personal Prayer Alert
_Pray that God’s Spirit would help reveal to you whatever He has purposed in His heart for you in this life._