24/7 DOXA Content 2018
TUESDAY, 13th March
Psalms 95 vs
6.■” Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. “~《NKJV》
WORSHIP is very vital. Its essence cannot be overemphasized. Sometimes, the word “worship” is mistakenly used to mean songs with slow tempo, but it has a more deeper meaning than that. “Worship” as used in the above scripture in the Hebrew language “SHAWKHAW” means “to bow down”. It is usually expressed outwardly by bowing down, lying prostrate before a Superior, King, Priest or God. Another “modern” word used interchangeably is adoration.
From the opening verse, three distinct words are used to express three different acts of adoration: thus lying prostrate, bowing down and kneeling down before God. Moreover, during worship, the choice of words also matters. It’s not time to request or petition God about your needs. In fact, worship is NOT about you, it’s ALL about ELOHIM. We worship God for who He is. He is Mighty Supreme, Awesome, Glorious, Excellent, Almighty, The Creator etc.
Never limit your worship to only singing. Add other aspects like lying prostrate, bowing, bending, kneeling and lifting up holy hands to God (1 Timothy 2:8). These convey a spiritual significance. Do these from a pure heart and conscience to God, not just as ritual. We are informed that angels do bow before God, so its value is weightier before God (Heb 1:6; Rev 7:11). Engage your spirit, soul (emotions, will, mind) and body in times of adoration to God. It pleases Him because He inhabits the praises of His people (Ps 22:3).
Worship is also viewed as a lifestyle. Thus, using your entire life to show reverence to God as long as you live. People who genuinely worship God usually have a certain kind of divine presence around them and in their lives (Psalms 16:11). Beloved, ascribe to Him all your worship through your songs, words, attitude and actions. Stop lamenting and weeping a lot in your prayers and begin to magnify God and you’ll see great miracles in your life. Every problem will be “diminish” to zero as you magnify God. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Almighty Father, I bow down to Your supremacy. I worship Your majesty. I magnify Your excellency. I glorify Your blessed Name. You are so great, so Wonderful, All Powerful, Omniscient, Omnipresent and Holy. Your greatness is as Yourself for You are incomparable. Be adored and exalted forever in Jesus’ Name. Amen!
◇ Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday ◇
Personal Prayer Alert:
Pray and adore and magnify the Lord for His greatness._
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