24/7 DOXA Content 2017
TUESDAY, 21st November
13.¶We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;-|KJV|
WE LEARNED yesterday that one proof that you believe the Word of God is by acting on it. Until you act on it, your faith will always be questionable and nothing but just a mental assent. Faith always goes with corresponding actions. I believe you are acting on what you truly believe. Apart from your actions that prove your faith, another evidence is your utterances. What you speak also determines whether you truly believe God’s word concerning your situations or not. When the light of God’s word is flooded in your heart concerning a situation, it will truly burst out from your mouth (Matthew 12:34).
You can’t believe right and speak otherwise. For instance, a person who truly believes in prosperity and sees God as his source should not say “I am poor, or this is my last money on me”. This may sound irrational to but that’s a mystery in God’s Kingdom. We don’t talk based on our sensory perception but based on the power of God’s word revealed to our spirit. Proverbs says “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit of it” (18:21). Yes, you can live or die by the words you speak from your mouth.
More importantly, Jesus said “you shall have whatever you say” (Mark 11:24). Yes, God’s word should not depart from your mouth (Joshua 1:8). Speak from your heart if you believe in prosperity, health, life, blessings. Speak positive despite prevailing circumstances. It won’t fail if it’s spoken in faith because faith is anchored on God’s unfailing word. Beloved, we are in the end times and those who genuinely choose to walk by faith will be unshakable. Faith= believing+ action+ speaking. One great author has said that “Your faith is what determines the events of your life”. So keep believing, acting and speaking the word and expect results. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
In the Name of Jesus, I declare in line with what I believe. I believe in prosperity so I speak it: I am prosperous, I am rich, I am blessed and highly favoured, I am healthy. I feed many mouths. I am the light of the world and I keep shinning brighter in all areas. I believe therefore I utter life ! glory! Hallelujah!
Enjoy A Glorious Tuesday !