24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SATURDAY, 23rd June
2 Kings 3 vs
15.”¶”But now bring me a musician.” And it happened, when the musician played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him.~《NKJV》
ONE great platform to communicate the mind of God, devil or human is music. Songs convey certain message, ideas, opinions or experiences of certain the musician. Music is simply viewed as “words enveloped in beats or instruments accompanied by singing”. So it’s not basically about the beat, but the words or message of the song. It’s one tool to communicate a message to an audience of different calibre. The devil has infiltrated the environment with “negative” words through music. So if the words bring you wrong information, then your life will be deformed. *What you hear informs you, then what informs you will either transform or deform you.
Beloved, there is an atmosphere that words in a song carry. Every music carry a certain presence either of God or devil. Yes, our opening text confirms this “when the musician played, the hand or presence of the LORD came on Elisha”. The prophetic anointing on Elisha got stirred up as the musician played. His spirit or mind was calmed and positioned to receive revelations from the Lord. Music has that ability to activate love, hope, faith, healing, forgiveness to its listeners. Others too infiltrates sorrow, hatred, lust, wickedness, pain etc. Therefore, you must understand the truth of every song by filtering it with the lens of God’s word.
Cherished one, whether you believe it or not, the songs you listen to attract an atmosphere of good or evil. Therefore, control your songs gallery, don’t let the beats or personalities influence you to sing along. Because what you usually sing along, you will normally live along with it. Sing right; listen to great songs inspired by good news (love, kindness, inspiration, faith, hope). Because the atmosphere you create determines the atmosphere which follows you. May you experience the presence of God as you listen to anointed songs. The grace of the LORD Jesus be with you always.
I listen right. I sing right. I listen and sing songs inspired by the Word of God and the Spirit. My songs activate a godly atmosphere of love, goodness, kindness, faith, hope, strength, forgiveness and inspiration. The hand of God is greatly manifested on my life through gospel oriented songs in Jesus Name. Hallelujah !
◇ Enjoy A Joyful Saturday ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray and stir up spiritual songs in you.
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