24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SUNDAY, 13th May
John 15 vs
5.■ “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.~《KJV》
NO TRUE Christian is independent. Yes, you are not of your own to do whatever you like. As a Child of God, you have Someone you should always heed to for directions. The state of this world now is as a result of people doing whatever they like. *The New Creation ceases to be a people-person to a God- person*. And Jesus likens the Kingdom to a field where there is a Vine and branches. Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches.
Thus, every Christian (branch) takes his source of life, shape, beauty and nourishment from Jesus (the true Vine). As a believer, Jesus is your total life, beauty and nourishment. Here, He reveals the total dependence of the branches on the vine. In other words, the continual survival, growth and thrive of every believer depends on his connection with Jesus. This is true because it’s the Vine that makes the branches not the branches making the vine. You and I are so dependent on Jesus to the extent that without Him we can do absolutely nothing (John 15:5).
Beloved, being in Christ is a time for a productive life in all spheres of your life. However, to think that you can be productive on your own willpower is a lie. Jesus said “He that continually abides in Me and I in him” is guaranteed a productive life. To abide in Him also means to remain, or dwell in Him. Thus, not departing from Him but continually enduring, surviving and thriving in Jesus despite challenges. Your daily dependence on Jesus is what will lead you to a life of growth and excellence. Abide in Him and He too will make sure whatever you need to survive and thrive as a branch will be provided.
*Those who constantly and habitually abide receives care, nourishment and productivity.* Because the same glorious life that flows through the vine flows through the branches. Stop lamenting that Christianity is difficult and just abide in the ONE who called you in faith. He knew that it would be challenging yet He called you to make you greater than any challenge. Whoever abides receives the care and attention of Jesus, who spends time pruning you to bear much good fruits of righteousness, love, faith, forgiveness, patience, kindness etc. Abide to live a productive life. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Lord Jesus, I solely rely, depend, believe and trust You and Your words. I therefore continually and habitually abide in You. I allow Your eternal refreshing words of nourishment to remain in me. Thank You for the productive life that comes from abiding in You. I bear fruits in all my endeavors for Your glory. I refuse to live a barren life because You are my results, source, life and all in all. Hallelujah !
◇ Enjoy A Glorious Sunday! ◇
Personal Prayer Alert
Pray that God’s Spirit would continually empower you to live a productive life.
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