24/7 DOXA Content, 9th October-PURSUE SPIRITUAL GROWTH
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
TUESDAY, 9th October
1 Peter 2 vs
2》As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.”~《KJV》
AS vital as it is to desire spiritual growth, it doesn’t end with desire. Your intense longing for spiritual growth is a step in the right direction. However, it must be followed by pursuit. It has been rightly said that the proof of desire is pursuit. Thus, what you greatly desire, you will pursue it. *Your desire is not strong enough if it doesn’t lead you to pursuit. Pursuing spiritual growth involves taking pragmatic steps towards it.* This is vital because spiritual growth is not automatic.
It demands pressing certain buttons for action to see tangible increased results in your life. Growth should be intentional to get maximum impact. Desire births the seed, but pursuit brings forth the fruits. So your desire for the word of God should cause you to spend time studying your Bible. Yes, spend quality time to read and study the scriptures for yourself. *The holy scriptures contains the mind of God but unless you spend time to study it, it won’t jump into your spirit or mind.*
Therefore, you can start now by studying your Bible (which contains God’s word). You can start by reading/ studying one book every month or one chapter everyday. Also, humbly submit to listening to other anointed teachers or preachers of God’s word. Practising this will enrich your spirit and mind concerning the things of God, which would renew and reform your mindset for life. Be persistent in desiring, pursuing and applying God’s word. *This is vital because the amount of God’s word in your spirit and the ones applied determines your level of results and spiritual growth.* The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Glorious Father, I thank You for given me an unfailing treasure of Your word. I humbly submit to studying and feeding and applying Your word for unending growth and mastery over life’s challenges. Your word contains all the wisdom I need for a successful living. My spiritual growth is affecting me all round in Jesus Name. Amen !
*◇ Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday◇*
Prayer Alert:
Pray that God’s Spirit would ignite a strong desire and pursuit in you to feed and apply God’s word for all round success.
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