24/7 DOXA Content, 9th January-THE UNCOMMON GATHERING
_____________________________________FOCAL TEXT: Matthew 18 v 20►►“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”~| NKJV |_____________________________________
SHALOM greetings Cherished one. Jesus says _”Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words WILL NEVER pass away” (Mark 13:31)._ *Therefore a hook up unto God’s word is eternal bliss.* Our focal text is one of the misquoted scriptures in our world. You often hear people say _”where two or three are gathered, then He is there”._ Listen, this text is not talking about the omnipresence of God. God sees all things. *God is everywhere but His tangible and holy presence is not found everywhere.*
There are different atmospheres in the world. Some are conducive for demons and all forms of ungodliness. God’s presence cannot coexist with the devil’s. Jesus rightly said _”for wherever two or three are gathered together in MY NAME…”._ The power keyword is not just the gathering, but a gathering in the Name of Jesus Christ. The ‘in my Name’ as used here also means in “in honour of my Name”. The “Name” also signifies “authority” of Jesus. *Therefore a gathering where Jesus becomes the reason; a meeting where Jesus is recognised as the authority; a gathering which honours Jesus Christ or relies on His assistance, then He would be present by His Spirit.* This is why you shouldn’t take such gatherings or meetings as a joke or trivialise their essence.