24/7 DOXA Content, 9th December-REFUSE TO BE MISLED
FOCAL TEXT: 1 Timothy 4 vs 1►►”Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” ~| KJV |______________________________________
GRACIOUS greetings, Cherished one. *The prophetic bearing of the Bible unveils that we are living in the last days which are characterized by so many signs.* Yesterday, we learned how Jesus warned about cold love due to abundance of iniquity. Apostle Paul also unveils certain revelations of the end times in our focal text. The end time will be characterised by some people departing from the faith in Christ and giving heed to seducing spirits. Seducing spirits are misleading agents or people which lie in wait to deceive and handle the word of God deceitfully.
To be seduced here implies being misled or wander about through deception. In other words, being in the hands of a deceptive leadership and direction. Seducing spirits use ordinary people, groups, scholars, cults, elites, false prophets and teachers to accomplish their agenda. Such pretend as angels of light and come in sheep clothes but inwardly or spiritually, they are in wolves skins. Such perpetuate doctrines or teachings which emanates from the father of demons and lies, the devil. Therefore, be sober in the Spirit and stand strong in all the teachings of Christ in order not to be seduced or misled in this end time.
The only antidote to deceptions is walking in the truth or light of God’s word. Beloved, God has no pleasure when His sons and daughters fulfill evil prophecies. He warns us to be careful, mindful and vigilant to stand against those seductive spirits and teachings. If people are departing from the Faith it shouldn’t be you. Yes, if some are being seduced, it shouldn’t be you. Refuse to be misled. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
Dear Precious Father, I thank You for the admonishment from Your unfailing word. Because of Your love for me, You sent forth Your Spirit to show me things to come in the end time to make me sober and wiser. I humbly submit to the Spirit of truth in words, thoughts and deeds to stand against the seductions agents in Jesus Name. Amen!
Pray that God’s Spirit would enlighten you to be more sober and wiser to stand against the seduction agents.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: Matthew 24:4
Enjoy A Gracious Wednesday
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