24/7 DOXA Content, 8th July-HE DID NO SHODDY WORK
FOCAL TEXT: John 19 vs 30►► ”When Jesus, therefore, had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.”~|KJV|_____________________________________
GLORIOUS greetings Cherished one. Jesus came to die for the sins of the world. *He suffered painfully just to rescue mankind from the power of the devil, death and sin.* Apostle Peter unveiled a very powerful and beautiful picture about the sufferings of Christ which should never be taken for granted. _“For to this, you were called, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving an example for you to follow in his steps. He did not sin nor was deceit found in his mouth._
When he was maligned, he did not answer back; when he suffered, he threatened no retaliation, but committed himself to God who judges justly. He himself bore OUR sins in his body on the tree, that WE may cease from sinning and live for righteousness. By his wounds, you were healed. For you were going astray like sheep but now you have turned back to the shepherd and guardian of your souls” (1Peter 2:21-25/NET). Hallelujah! This scripture portrays that Christ did not do shoddy (poor, low grade) work, not at all. He did a perfect, quality and complete work for us.
Jesus knew the reason why He said “It is finished”; which means “It has been brought to its goal and end”. Thus, He carried out all the content of the matter in glory. Beloved, Christ accomplished the assignment God gave Him concerning your sins, redemption, prosperity, righteousness and health. The finished works of Christ need no improvement or upgrade or top-up. He did a perfect work. It is Finished! Put all your trust, faith and entire life in Him and His finished works; enjoy and live accordingly to please Him. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
Dear Faithful Father, thank You for Your perfect Gift Jesus Christ and His finished works. I am enjoying the benefits of His death and resurrection. I put my trust in what He did for me. I am living to reflect His glorious life given me in Jesus Blessed Name. Amen !
Pray and thank the Lord for doing a perfect work for your total redemption and prosperity.

_*You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: Romans 5:6-8
*Enjoy A Glorious Thursday*

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