24/7 DOXA Content , 7th May GUARD YOUR MOUTH AND TONGUE Pt. 2
FOCAL TEXT: Proverbs 21 vs 23►► “Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.”~|KJV |_____________________________________
BLISSFUL greetings Cherished one. Our focal text admonishes that whoever keeps his mouth and tongue (guards what he says) keeps his soul from troubles. *Thus, as a child of God you must consciously direct your words to align with the total counsel or plan of God for your life.* Speak life, blessings, progress and prosperity because they are consistent with God’s will. This is why it’s vital to constantly feed on God’s word as revealed in the finished works of Christ.
That makes it different from just positive talks. God’s word makes your words carry weight and power. The Word infuses in you faith against all odds. *Fear, doubt and unbelief lose their stronghold when your words are consciously and consistently acknowledging and releasing the power of God’s word.* This doesn’t mean challenges wouldn’t come, rather, you are fortifying yourself against the rule of those challenges.
Beloved, refuse to respond to situations only by your senses or feelings. Be a word addict and respond in line with it by faith. *Yes, your confessions should be based on the revelation of what Christ has accomplished for you.* You must speak it from the very depth of your heart; believing what you’re saying. *The responsibility lies on you to keep, guard, protect your life from troubles by speaking right.* The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always. Amen!
The plans of God for my life are peace and prosperity. Therefore, I graciously use my tongue to speak in line with peace, glory and prosperity. I trust and treasure God’s word above any situation or challenges. My life is progressing, upward and forward in the Name of Jesus Christ my Lord. Hallelujah !
Thank God’s Spirit for guiding you to speak in consistent with His glorious plans for your life.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: 1 Peter 3:9,10
Enjoy A Blissful Saturday

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