24/7 DOXA Content, 7th January-TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOUR BODY Pt. 2
FOCAL TEXT: 1 Corinthians 6 vs 20
►► “For you were bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which is God’s.~| WEB |
_____________________________________FAVOURED greetings Cherished one. The born again Christian is born to know who he is, what he has in Christ and what Christ can do through Him. 1 Corinthians 6:19 makes it clear that the born again is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Our focal text unveils one reason to take good care of your body and that is your body belongs to God and you are not of your own. The one who has made Jesus the Lord of his life is no more of his own and therefore cannot live anyhow. You ought to control your body in diverse ways.
Aside from maintaining exercise, resting and eating a proper diet, another one has got to do with your body lifestyle. For instance, the lifestyle of smoking and drinking too much alcohol can endanger the body. Doctors and psychologists affirm that there are health repercussions from such lifestyles. Living immoral life and having casual sex can also harm your body. Do your best to abstain from immoral life or be committed to your partner. Beloved, your body is God’s gift to you, don’t destroy it with a bad lifestyle. You may not lose your salvation but your body can be in danger to sicknesses and diseases. (1 Cor 5:5)
Another way is avoiding excessive anger and bitterness against others who offend you. Some still find it difficult to forgive others even though they are still Christians; deal with it. It is clearly evident that whenever your get angry your blood pressure jumps up. Some are also bitter against some people due to disappointment, heartbreak, failure, misused, abuse and the likes. Don’t imprison yourself in that case. Allow the power of God’s word to deliver from your all these. Forgive people and move forward. Forgive yourself and press unto maturity. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
Father, I thank You for the great value placed on me. I am bought with a precious prize, the blood of Jesus Christ. Therefore I am not ordinary common. I graciously glorify my God with my spirit and body which belong to Him. I refuse to destroy my body, rather I build it in edification and health in Jesus Blessed Name. Amen!_
____________________________PRAYER ALERT
_Thank the Father for the power and wisdom to glorify God in your body._
_*You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.*_FURTHER STUDY: I Corinthians 3:16-20
*Enjoy A Favoured Friday*
All Souls Gathering Publications
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