24/7 DOXA Content 2018
TUESDAY, 7th August
Matthew 8 vs
8■ ” “The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that you should come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed (Matthew 8:8).”~《NKJV》
Being spiritually intelligent is not built in a vacuum.* It’s not also built in a day. It demands a constant gradual process of growth and discipline. There are various “tools” or activities used to build spiritual intelligence. *Building up spiritual intelligence leads to higher spiritual capacity.* Being spiritually intelligent mostly requires knowing, believing and understanding the truths, realities, facts, principles and application of spiritual realities. Thus, the ability to learn, perceive and comprehend spiritual matters as revealed by the word of God.
One “tool” that is needed to build your spiritual intelligence is God’s word. *Knowledge they is power but the knowledge of God’s word is dynamic and total power.* God’s word contains the mind, ways and will of God concerning different matters of life. The word is full of God’s power when believed can cause tremendous miracle. For instance, the centurion had certain intelligence or revelation that Jesus could speak a word and His servant would be healed from sickness, according to our focal text.
Also, the woman with the issue of blood had a certain intelligence that touching the hem of Jesus’ garment would make her healed (Matthew 9:20). Beloved, did the hem of the garment contain the healing power? No! But Jesus who wore the garment had that power. *Therefore both the centurion and the woman had certain intelligence about Jesus Christ, the LIVING WORD Himself that he was the healer.* Cherished one, it is the power of the Living Word which makes the written word effective. Therefore, stick to Him and His word; Fellowship with the Word of God and you will be spiritually intelligent to deal with issues of life. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Thank You glorious Father for the power of the Living Word. I am strategically positioned to believe, read, study, rely, and apply God’s word to my situation. And the power of the Living is causing a transformation in every area of my life bringing all round results in Jesus Name! Amen!_
*◇ Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday ◇*
Prayer Alert:
_Pray that God’s Spirit is opening you up to know the dynamics of God’s word for total transformation._
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