24/7 DOXA Content, 6th June-YOUR WILL POWER Pt. 1
FOCAL TEXT: Ephesians 4 vs 27_►►Leave no (such) room or foothold for the devil [give no opportunity to him]~(AMPLIFIED)______________________________________
FRUITFUL greetings, Cherished one. Do you know that one of the greatest gifts God gave to man is the will? The original intent of this will was to have dominion, subdue, fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth (Gen 1:26-28). Therefore for the devil to ‘twist’ this will given to man, he had to employ his best tool-deception. He uses deception to steal your permission to destroy you. In the garden of Eden, he had to cunningly twist God’s word to Eve and shift her focus from the God’s word to his (Gen 3:1).
Know that God has a will, the devil also has a will. A will is synonymous to your ‘choice, inclination, desire or pleasure’. It is either controlled by whoever you yield to, whether God or devil. Beloved, the devil’s tricks have not changed. He applies the same old tricks to every man on earth. He makes sure he shifts your focus from the Creator to other things so he can destroy you. *For he knows that as long as your focus is on God and His word, he can’t steal, kill and destroy you.* God also makes sure Jesus becomes your ultimate focus in order to enjoy you life (Heb 12:2).