24/7 DOXA Content 2018
THURSDAY, 5th April
James 4 vs
7■”So be subject to God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you.”~《AMP》
Our Lord Jesus Christ changed the position of the devil. He took off his superiority over mankind (Col 2:15). So there is every indication in scripture that you have power over him (1John 4:4). You are superior to him. Now his position is under your feet (Luke 10:19; Romans 16:20). But his weapon of deception is still in progress. He still uses arguments, ignorance, lies, craftiness and deceit to defeat people. However, you can always resist him and his lies (wiles) (Eph 6:16). He doesn’t have power over you anymore. The devil never wins on the righteous. And among God’s creation, none has been given the right to resist the devil except God’s Children.
For whoever is born of God overcomes the world (1 John 5:4). The devil is defeated but he still needs to be resisted because his time of annihilation isn’t up. Therefore, you have been given the power and authority to handle him the way you like (Mat 16:19). Resist means oppose him; stand against his works, plots and evil schemes. Thus, enforce his defeat in Jesus Name by the authority of God’s word. *Get this, God did not leave you at the mercy of the devil to treat you the way he likes.* The devil and his cohorts’ defeat is no more a secret.
*Don’t allow him to lie to you with sin, poverty, sickness, curses, failure and death.* He is a liar and wicked; so resist him by submiting to God and using the weapon of the sword of the Spirit (Eph 6:16,17). Beloved, our Master Jesus showed us how to handle the devil during his earthly ministry. He chose to use God’s word (Matthew 4:4-11). For the word always works (Heb 4:12). You have the power of resistance (God’s word), use it. You can resist anything ungodly against your life. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
_I am seated together with Christ in the heavenly places full of power and authority. Anything ungodly is under my feet. I am superior to his plot, deceit, lies and strategies. Because I am full of God’s wisdom and power. I am a champion and overcomer in Jesus’ Name. Hallelujah!_
*◇ Enjoy A Triumphant Thursday ! ◇*
Personal Prayer Alert
Use the power of resistance and oppose every scheme, deception and strategies of the devil.