24/7 DOXA Content, 4th August-JESUS CHRIST, THE TRUTH
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
SATURDAY, 4th August
John 14 vs
6■ “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me.”~《WEB》
ANOTHER revelation, aside Jesus being the Way, is that He is the Truth. Yes, He is truth- personified. Therefore it is salient to know that Truth is first of all a Person. And to deny this Person is to enjoy falsehood all your lifetime. Truth means reality. Jesus is the reality of this life. Without Him nothing is real. For by Him were all things made and without Him nothing is made (Col 1:15-19). For it pleases the Father that all fullness should dwell in Jesus. So it is within this Person that we draw truth concerning the matters of life. This is why it is expedient to believe in Jesus else truth will forever elude you.
The holy scriptures unveil that Jesus Christ, the Living Word is “full of grace and TRUTH. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and TRUTH came by Jesus Christ.” (John 1:14,17). Because He is the Truth and embodiment of it, whatever He says does not lose relevance. He spearheads truth. No wonder the Bible says, He did no sin and no guile was ever found in His mouth (1Peter 2:22). He is the Truth who supersedes all assumptions, theories, philosophies, lies and deceptions of the devil and his systems. He determines what should constitute as truth.
Matthew 22:16 says Jesus teaches the ways of God in truth. Therefore it is expedient to depend on Jesus’ version of truth concerning matters of life. When He says He is the only way, the Living water and bread of life, it is true, because He is truth and TRUTH is found in Him. He doesn’t play comedy with your life. It is very dangerous to trust a liar but it is worth embracing to trust truth in every matter. Cherished one, when Jesus speaks on a matter, that is the end to all assumptions, theories and speculations. Depend on Him and His words and you will never miss your destiny. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for being my everlasting truth and unveiling truth to me in all matters of life. I solely depend on You for the total success of my life. I refuse all assumptions, theories and speculations of this world and fashion my life in You, My all in all Truth. Hallelujah!
◇ Enjoy A Fulfilling Saturday◇
Prayer Alert:
Pray that God’s Spirit is witnessing to you the Person of truth and every embodiment of truth in Him.
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