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24/7 DOXA Content, 3rd October-HOLDING ON TO THE SPOKEN WORD

24/7 DOXA Content 2018
WEDNESDAY, 3rd October


Romans 4 vs
18》Who, contrary to hope,in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations, ACCORDING TO WHAT WAS SPOKEN “So shall your descendants be.”~《KJV》

THE BIBLE basically unveils to us three kinds of voice: the spoken words of God, people and the devil. So these are the voices recorded in a written form. However, God’s voice reigns supreme over all others. Today, God is still speaking, man is still talking and the devil is also talking. Where are they written? On the tablet of your heart. *Your heart is the “reception room” of God’s voice.* We believe the Bible as the written word of God, but you must also understand that it was FIRST spoken by the Spirit of God to holy men ( I Pet 1:21).

So we can conclude that the word was first inspired as a spoken word before it was written. Against all odds, Abraham believed in the spoken voice that “he would become the father of many nations “( Gen 17:4). Carefully check out what God has spoken about you and tell yourself, “I am living to fulfill what He has spoken to me”. Has he spoken to you through His word, a true Prophet, or any man of God ? Hold on to that spoken voice. If God spoke it, then you can rely on it anytime. It won’t fail but you have to keep holding on to that spoken voice by faith.

*All the people who made exploits in life relied solely on the spoken word of God despite the challenges.* Listen to how Mary held unto the spoken words from God through the angel; Luke 1:38 says “And Mary said be it unto me ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD (spoken) …”. Your success is settled by God in heaven. He gave you the Bible as a “spoken word” in a written form. You just have to believe and keep holding on to it for manifestation or results. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Amen!

I believe the Bible as the unadulterated word of God, fully authored by the Holy Spirit and written by holy men. I am not just relying on the printed pages. I believe the Spirit and power behind the spoken but written word. My life is set for above only. God’s voice about my life stands so strong and sure. My destiny is safe and secured in God’s Spoken word. I am blessed as I apply them to my life. Hallelujah!

*◇ Enjoy A Glorious Wednesday ◇*

Prayer Alert:
Pray that God’s Spirit would empower you to put the spoken word into practice for glorious manifestations.

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