FOCAL TEXT: 1 Peter 2 vs 9►► “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;”~|KJV |_____________________________________
FAVOURED greetings, Cherished one. There are people who always live with complains, murmuring and blames. Such people live as if God has never done anything good in their lives. A life full of complains cannot glorify God in anyway. Unbelievers cannot glorify the God you serve if you live such a life. There are some Christians when you ask how they are doing, they’ll respond “Hmmm, life is not fair; I am just surviving and managing”. But you are not supposed to just manage or survive, rather enjoy life to the FULLEST as Christ gave you (John 10:10).
They say those things to get pity from people but they don’t know they are rather demeaning themselves before them. Some also think saying those “pitiful” words show a sign of humility. Even though you are not to pretend that everything is well, you must respond to life the way God’s word says it; not just the way you see it. The word “praises” in our focal text means virtuous course of thought, feeling and action. Thus, anything that sponsors moral goodness, modesty, purity and perfections of Him who called you.