FOCAL TEXT: Romans 12 vs 5►► ” So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.~》KJV》______________________________________
SHALOM greetings, Cherished one. The Church is called the body of Christ. There is only one body in Christ. We don’t have two bodies in Christ. Remember, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ far exceeds any denomination. As a matter of truth, the Church is the kingdom representative of the Kingdom of God on earth. *The heartbeat of the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ is the oneness of His Church despite your denomination.* God is not against any denomination which believes in His Son, Jesus Christ.
But He is against loving a denomination to the detriment of the body of Christ. You must see and love anyone who belongs to the body of Christ as a brother or sister whether he/she belongs to your denomination or not. Do not incite any to hate or fight anyone who is part of the body of Christ. It is dangerous. Focus on Christ and His doctrines which bind us together as one body.
The Church in the Greek “ekklēsia” means the called-out ones. Thus, the Church is God’s choice. He called and separated them from the secular world through His Son. *The Church is God’s agent of change, value system and transformative anchor in this world.* The church of Christ is more than any denomination. You are not “called” into a denomination even though you belong to one. You are actually called into one body in Christ. Love and cherish the body of Christ all over the world. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
Dear Father, I thank You for calling me into one body in Christ. I am heir of God and joint-heir with Christ. I represent the heartbeat of the body of Christ. I love and cherish the body of Christ worldwide. The body of Christ walks in the unity of Your Son in all glory and honour. Hallelujah!
Thank God for calling you in the body of Christ.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: 1 Corinthians 12:12
Enjoy A Peaceful Sunday
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