24/7 DOXA Content, 31st July-BELIEVE NOW THAN LATER
FOCAL TEXT: John 11 vs 40►►”Jesus said to her, “Didn’t I tell you that if you believed, you would see God’s glory?”.~| WEB |_____________________________________
BLISSFUL greetings Cherished one. Jesus Christ intentionally delayed upon hearing of the death of Lazarus and decided to come to raise him up after four days (John 11:6). Jesus who did not do anything unless His Father led Him came with full faith on the dead scene. But one of the sisters of the deceased brother showed a sense of doubt and unbelief when Jesus wanted to raise the dead body to life. This woman’s faith waver in doubt that the dead could only be resurrected on the last day. In other words, her faith in God was hinged on providing only later results. *But Jesus admonished her to believe now, than later.*
There are many brethren who always think like this woman. When the Bible talks about prosperity, they believe it is only possible when they go to heaven. They bring the same thought to divine health and healing. Some believe they can only become righteous after they are taken to heaven. Stop rescheduling all of God’s blessings to heaven, there are those to enjoy here on earth now. Believe in God prospering, healing and providing all your needs now on earth, not when you go to heaven.
There is no lack, sickness or poverty or sin in heaven to demand abundance, health, prosperity and righteousness respectively. These are your present-hour possession that must manifest experientially in your life. Many will be held accountable for refusing to impact the earth, supposing they are born to influence heaven. You are not born to influence heaven, you are born to influence this earth (humanity) by the power of God’s Spirit. Rise up and believe and do whatever God has called you to do and influence lives now on earth, not later. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
I believe in the now power of GOD. By faith, all the promises of God on earth are my present hour possession and manifestation. I believe to see the goodness and glory of the Lord in the land of the living in Jesus Name.Amen !_
Pray that God’s Spirit would cause you to engage in the force of faith for a glorified life.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: 1 Corinthians 2:12
Enjoy A Blissful Saturday

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