FOCAL TEXT: Matthew 4 vs 3
►► “Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.”~《New King James Version》
FAVOURED greetings, Cherished one. According to Matthew 4:1, Jesus was tempted by the devil after He had fasted forty days and nights. The devil started with some conditional questions. First, he questioned the Sonship of Jesus “If you are the Son of God”. Yes, the devil questioned Jesus’ identity with God the Father. Meanwhile, in Matthew 3:17, when John was baptising Jesus, a Voice from Heaven spoke “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” So the devil will always question your identity with the Father.
Statements like “are you sure you are the child of God; “If you are born again… It is one of his tricks. The devil used “IF”statements on Jesus. He will use it on you too through diverse means. But Jesus didn’t meet that condition of the devil to prove whether He was the son of God or not. *In other words, your failure to meet the conditions of the devil means you really know your identity in Christ.* *Thus, you don’t need to prove your identity to the devil based on his terms and conditions because when the Father declared you as His Son, then you are truly His son.* Hallelujah!
Be very much assured of who are you in Christ based on God’s revealed word; not because the devil wants you to prove whether it is true or not. Jesus did not change the stones to bread; He did not jump; He didn’t worship the devil and that didn’t make Him less the Son of God. You haven’t signed any contract with the tempter, so you can always refuse to meet terms and his conditions. With this revelation, you can effectively exercise authority over the tempter, evil people and anything ungodly. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always. Amen!
_Dear Wise Father, I thank You for the wisdom, revelation and illumination that comes from Your Spirit. I graciously choose to serve and meet only Your conditions not the terms of the tempter. Jesus is my only Lord and Saviour so He is my all in all. Like Jesus, I refuse to meet the terms and conditions of the devil. For I know who I am and what I possesses in Christ. Hallelujah !_
_Pray and thank God for always empowering you to refuse any terms and conditions of the devil._
FURTHER STUDY: Matthew 4:10

_*You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.*_
*Enjoy A Favoured Friday*

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