24/7 DOXA Content, 30th October-STAY COMMITTED TO GROWTH
FOCAL TEXT: Jeremiah 3 vs 15►► ”And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.~|NKJV| ______________________________________
SHALOM greetings, Cherished one. When you are under a sent shepherd who is after God’s heart and feeds you with the right knowledge and understanding (insight and intelligence), make sure you stay to committed to grow into maturity. When you are fed with knowledge and understanding it should be seen in your talk, thinking and lifestyle. *Yes, you ought to live as a knowledgeable disciple full of insight and intelligence.*
This will differentiate you from “normal church goers”. It is pathetic some of the answers you you’d hear when you ask someone who has been in the Church for donkey years _”what does it means to be born again”?_ Don’t live as unconcerned and unserious Christian. *Such folks are in the church only for what they can get from God not what God can get through them.* Some Christians are just believers and miracle seekers but others are ready for discipleship.
*Being a disciple means to be a intentional student of the Word through teachings and imparting knowledge; and also ready to practice what you learn.* Be concerned about your level of growth as you are being fed with knowledge and understanding. Allow the knowledge of the truth into your heart in order to effect the needed transformation. *Because if the shepherd feeds you right and you don’t apply it to your life, you’ll stagnate your own growth and progress.* Beloved, be really serious and stay committed to growth in all your endeavour. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
_Dear Father, I thank You for enlightening me by Your powerful word. I graciously choose to be committed to grow by the fed knowledge and understanding to live a productive life in all endeavours of my life in the Blessed Name of Yehoshua. Amen !_
_Pray and thank God’s Spirit for empowering you to stay committed to growth by applying the fed knowledge and understanding_

_*You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.*_
*Enjoy A Peaceful Sunday*

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