2021 Friday_____________________________________
FOCAL TEXT: 2 Peter 1 vs 3►► ”According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:”|KJV|_______________________________
FAVOURED greetings Cherished one. Christianity is a glorious fellowship between Christ and His Church. It is a kingdom of wealth, honour, riches and all things that pertain to life and godliness. It is a Kingdom of light where Divinity is in charge of affairs. It is not a political party with a tenure of office “trying” to make its citizens better. Our focal text reveals that we are called into God’s own marvelous glory. “Glory” in the Greek means “Doxa” which implies the splendour, brightness, magnificence, excellence, dignity and absolute perfection of God.
It simply means the “all in all of God”. Called into His glory also means God shares His own glory with us. Therefore, we are partakers of His glory, the all in all of Him. *Christians don’t live on a borrowed glory. They enjoy, walk, manifest and represent God’s own marvelous glory on earth.* Beloved, it matters how you see Christianity. Some folks portray Christianity as a “bondage clan” for ignorant servants or slaves who are trying and begging to live from their masters table.
No! Christ is the beauty and glory of our life, and you as the church, is the expression of that beauty and glory on earth. Christianity is the vehicle that brings into reality the divine life of God in a man through the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the most powerful, eternal, wealthiest, beautiful and reigning Kingdom that is and will forever be. You are not in a dying or losing Kingdom. All that the Father has is yours. Yes, your Father does not lack in any kind of resource. Don’t live as a beggar or slave but as a child of the most high God in His glory. For you are the person of His glory. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
Glorious Father, thank You for giving me Christ to reveal Your power, wisdom, knowledge and honour in me. I partake, manifest and represent Your glory on earth. I do not lack any good thing. I praise You for making me a partaker of this glorious life in Jesus Glorious Name. Amen !
Pray that God would reveal to you the deeper depths of His glory to cause you to walk in it always.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: Romans 8:30
Enjoy A Favoured Friday

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