24/7 DOXA Content, 28th September-A PLACE FOR SOUND TEACHING
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
FRIDAY, 28th September
Luke 19 vs
47》 And he taught daily in the temple. But the chief priests and the scribes and the chief of the people sought to destroy him,”~《KJV》
OUR Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ aimed to make us understand the essence of the Temple of God. He reveals that it’s a place for prayer, one form of ministering to the Lord. He is the Head of the Church and He sets the modus operandi within the Church. He has unveiled to us that His house is not a place for merchandise, marketplace nor a den of thieves. Our focal text reveals another vital essence. It says Jesus taught daily in the temple. This was after He has driven away the den of thieves. He began to teach them God’s unadulterated word.
Jesus’ attitude here implies that the house of the Lord is a place for sound word ministration or doctrine. For it is through the Word of God that we are instructed, directed and guided to rightly chat the course of our lives. Without the Word of God in our lives, our lives will be full of darkness, mistakes, errors and failures. Jesus teaching daily in the Temple is a way of showing them how to live through the principles of God’s kingdom. Because of the necessity of the Word in our lives, Jesus didn’t allow anything to replace it.
First things first. And spiritual activities must be engaged in our temples. Cherished one, what Jesus did here is an eye opener for all. It tells us that you should examine any temple you enter whether there is a ministration of prayer and sound teaching of God’s word. The absence of these two makes the place a market place, merchandise or den of thieves. Any place or temple that has replaced prayer and word studies with other stuffs is not God’s standard place for worship. For His temple is a place for sound word ministration or doctrine. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Cherished Father, I thank You for the revelation of Your word. I thank You for enlightening me on the real essence of Your Temple. I humbly submit to sound teachings of Your word. I refuse to replace the ministration of prayer and word in my life. I am enjoying real fellowship with You in Jesus Name! Amen._
◇ Enjoy A Favoured Friday ◇*
Prayer Alert:
Pray that God’s Spirit would guide you to always adhere to sound doctrine.
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