FOCAL TEXT: John 14 vs 16►►”And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; “~|KJV|_____________________________________
BLESSED greetings Cherished one. The beauty of Christianity is revealed in the wisdom of God. His wisdom is inexplicable and transcends all ages. And His Spirit is the One destined to reveal and teach us all the treasures of His wisdom (1 Corinthians 2:7-10). Jesus assured His disciples of another Comforter, the Holy Spirit who would help them succeed in life and ministry. This implied that Jesus never desired to leave His disciples on their own to continue the journey or fulfill the ministry. Our focal text tells us how Jesus called the Holy Spirit. He called Him the “COMFORTER”.
Its Greek rendition is “Parakletos” which means “One called alongside to give assistance, relief, comfort and encouragement “. In other words, it means _‘one summoned or called to one’s side, especially to one’s aid”._ This was exactly what Jesus was doing for them. He taught, helped and comforted them in diverse ways. Now He said, Someone would continue that work and He was the Holy Spirit. He is the “sweet” Comforter, not the accuser. He is one sent to HELP you live and enjoy this journey. He is not here to condemn you.
Beloved, what kind of comfort, encouragement or help do you need ? Take advantage of this sweet Comforter. He lives in you now. Don’t allow anyone to confuse, deceive and condemn you; For your helper is here; He still abides with you FOREVER (not occasionally) to teach and guide you into all truth ( (John 14:16). He is NOT a run-away type who escapes and comes only when all it’s convenient. Acknowledge His presence, ministry and allow Him to comfort you always. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
Dear Father, thank You Lord for Your Spirit living inside of me. I avail myself to receive help, encouragement and comfort from Your sweet Holy Spirit now and forever. I know I am never alone in this journey. I have One called alongside to my assistance in all aspects of my life. I am comforted now and forever by Your Spirit in Jesus Blessed Name. Glory Hallelujah !
Pray that you would be empowered to receive the comforting ministry of the Holy Spirit.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday

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