24/7 DOXA Content, 26th July-LIFT UP THE EYES OF FAITH
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
THURSDAY, 26th July
Genesis 13 vs
14.■” And the LORD said unto Abram, after Lot was separated from him, “LIFT UP now thine EYES, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: “~《KJV》
THINKING and worrying about yesterday is a liability; focusing only on today brings obscurity; but imagining, planning and seeing the future is a great asset for any person.* Abraham like any ordinary man had a past, today and a future. However, his current circumstance was trying to weigh him down in life. God had promised him a child, through him great nations will emerge (Gen 12:2,3). But it seemed to have delayed and he had nothing to show in the physical except his chief servant Eliezer (Gen 15:2).
The presence of Eliezer had been so intensed in Abraham’s mind and spirit to the extent that he even included him in the divine plan but God intercepted him and said “this shall not be your heir” (Gen 15:3,4). Cherished one, a certain circumstance may have stayed with you for so long that it is almost trying to rob you of your greatness in the future. Listen up, today, God is telling you “No! that situation or challenge shall NOT be your heir”. That’s not your lot. Hallelujah! Since God had desired to help Abraham from his desperation, He told Abraham to lift up his eyes and count the stars. God did this to shift Abraham’s focus from his human limitations to His divine possibilities.
Today, lift up your faith eyes from the problem and look to the solutions God has offered in the word through Jesus. By so doing, you will have the ability to believe in all the possibilities and faithfulness of God. And you will know that the elevation of God can never be compared to any challenge you face. Refuse to confine yourself with the limitations of your physical eyes or mind, it’s too limited to comprehend the possibilities in God. Your future is brighter, don’t allow situations to make you give up on God and His word. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
In the Name of Jesus, I refuse to live in my past. I refuse to allow the challenges of today weigh me down. I choose to see with the eyes of faith. Oh glory! I see my greatness as God sees it. My future is so bright and fulfilling. I have come too far to give up in life. I trust in the faithfulness of God because He honours His word. I am living a great and glorious life. Hallelujah!
◇ Enjoy A Gracious Thursday ◇
Prayer Alert:
_Pray that God’s Spirit is causing you to walk deeply with the eyes of faith._
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