FOCAL TEXT: Ecclesiastes 9 vs 10►►” Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no work, or device, or knowledge, or wisdom in Sheol ( the place of the dead) where you are going.~|AMP|_____________________________________
FRUITFUL greetings Cherished one. The Preacher as he is affectionately called admonishes all to do every work with all might. The word “might” here, is synonymous to “strength or power”. Every work or vocation requires a certain amount of strength. However, there are different kinds of strength; these include physical, mental, emotional or spiritual strength etc. Each of these has a vital role to play in the individual’s life. If you are “stronger” physically than mentally, that’s your might, take advantage of it and use it. Others can also utilize their minds effectively than their physical strength.
So the Preacher says, whether yours is physical, spiritual, emotional or mental, use it with all your might. For instance “Daniel understood by books” (Dan 9:2). He was a learner and governor. Joseph was an interpreter of dreams, which led him to become a prime minister (Gen 37:19). Bezaleel was filled with wisdom to design all artworks with gold and silver (Exod 35:30,31). Where lies your strength? Find it! Whatever you can do best mostly determines where your strength is. Nevertheless, you have to develop your abilities and skills by continuous learning, training, knowledge, wisdom and creativity.
It takes much strength to be able to excel in what you do. It is time to do whatever you are called to do with all your strength in excellence. With that attitude, good success and productivity will be your hallmark. Beloved, challenge the status quo, don’t join it. Refuse to be a mediocre or average. Decide to be excellent all you do in order to impact your generation. Yes, you are strengthened for excellence. Manifest it as a child of God. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
Dear Father, thank You for the spirit of might in my life. In You I draw all my strengths for excellence in whatever You have destined for me. Your strength is made perfect even in my weakness. I am influencing my world with the strength and ability given me. I am doing all things through Christ who infuses strength in me Jesus Blessed Name. Amen!
Pray that God’s Spirit is igniting in you the spirit of excellence in all you do.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: Proverbs 22:29
Enjoy A Fruitful Monday

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