24/7 DOXA Content, 25th September-YOU CAN MAKE HIM RUN AWAY
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
TUESDAY, 25th September
James 4 vs
7》Therefore, submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will run away from you.”~《ISV》
ONE revelation that makes our Christian life so delightful despite the pressures in this world is that Jesus never left us in the shadows. *He never left us as sheep without shepherd or knowledge.* In dealing with the matters of life, Jesus taught us how to succeed and prosper; and also to rightly wage war against the devil, and ungodly circumstances. Therefore He left us an example or model to follow to achieve the same results He got. Hallelujah! Are you willing to be disciplined and labour in the Word to get the results He had?
*I strongly believe that when we submit and apply Jesus’ methods and strategies, we would get His results.* We are admonished to submit to God and commanded to RESIST the devil. Resisting the devil is your duty, not God’s duty. The devil is aware that you have been given that authority to resist him. Therefore, be responsible to do that. The other part of our focal text tells us what will happen when you resist the devil in faith standing on God’s word. It says that He will flee. To flee means to run away or take flight or escape.
Has it ever occured to you that you can make the devil run away from you? Yes, you can. During Jesus’ earthly ministry, He commanded the devil to leave Him alone and the next verse says _”Then the devil left him…”_ (Mat 4:11). Cherished one, the devil is one of the creatures of God; and God knows his weakness. Therefore, agree with God as the Message Translation puts it _”So let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper”_ (James 4:7). Though he is a stubborn devil, He can’t resist anyone who resists him in the Name of Jesus, the Living Christ. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Blessed and Glorious Father, the Ancient of days, I thank You for the revelation of Your word which gives me ability, confidence and power to dominate my world including the enemy of all progress and righteousness, the devil. I stand in the mighty and matchless Name of Jesus to resist the devil and his deceptions against my life. I put him to flight by the authority Christ vested in me. I am more than a conqueror in Jesus Name. Amen!
◇ Enjoy A Victorious Tuesday ◇
Prayer Alert:
Pray and stand in the authority Christ gave you and resist the devil and all his wiles against your life.
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