24/7 DOXA Content, 23rd August-NOT ENOUGH REASONS TO FAIL
FOCAL TEXT: Romans 4 vs 19►► ”And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about a hundred years old), and the deadness of Sarah’s womb.”~| NKJV |_____________________________________
FRUITFUL greetings Cherished one. LOOKING and studying from scriptures till now, you may have heard of many believers who had enough human reasons to have given up and not reached their goals. For instance, our covenant fathers, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and others had many reasons in their walk with God to have given up, but they didn’t. Abraham had a promise from God which tarried for several years before fulfillment. It tarried to the extent that he adhered to Sarah’s advice and went in for Hagar (Gen 16:3). However, the promised child was not to be “fulfilled” according to man’s plan but by God’s. Yet God never gave up on the promise.
The longevity of a promise or prophecy should not rob the power of its fulfillment only if you keep holding on to God and His word. God never gives up on you, so don’t give up. Like Abraham you can refuse to consider the circumstances around you by faith. Anything that faith holds never fails or disappoints. Even if it tarries, wait for it by faith, it shall surely come to pass. Maybe in your country or family or life or business, you may have so many reasons to give up, but please hold on by faith. *Your faith will produce results.* Hallelujah !
Beloved, you have the Greater One inside you (1 John 4:4). You also have the Holy Spirit as your helper, comforter and counselor; The fullness of God’s grace has been released in your favour (John 1:14,16). Beloved, you don’t have enough reasons greater than the ones that tell you to keep on. God is telling you to go forward for there is more than enough space for you at the top. Another reason that should motivate you to move on is “God is with you” and He never makes anyone a failure. Yes, He is more than enough to succeed in life. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
I refuse to give up or give in. I refuse to consider the situation and its influence over me. I only consider and move by the influence and dictates of God’s Word. I have God as my reason to keep holding on. I can never fail in life. I am making advancements in life. Greater is He that is in me. I reign in life as more than conqueror in Jesus’ Name ! Hallelujah !
Pray that God’s Spirit is empowering you to enjoy the victorious life in Christ.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: Romans 8:28-31
Enjoy A Fruitful Monday

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