24/7 DOXA Content, 22nd November-THE PERFECTING OF THE SAINTS
FOCAL TEXT: Ephesians 4:11►►”And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;12.For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:”~|KJV| ______________________________________
SHALOM greetings, Cherished one. One great gift God ever gave to the body of Christ is the operation of supernatural gifts. It’s supernatural in the sense that it’s divinely given, inspired by God and operate and supersedes natural principles. The Bible states that “When He ascended on high, he led captivity captive, and gave GIFTS to men” (Eph 4:8). Our opening text gives us the various ministerial gifts or offices; thus the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.
These are great gifts God has bestowed on the Church. Though Christ left in person the Church is an extension of Himself on earth filled and sealed with the Holy Spirit. First of all, He gave us the gifts to perpetuate Christ within us. You could see that Jesus operated all these gifts. So these gifts are for the perpetuity of Christ Himself and His works in our lives. Again, for perfecting the saints. Thus, the complete construction, building up, furnishing and equipping of the saints.
Through these gifts, the Apostles were fully matured to continue the work of the ministry even when Jesus left. Therefore, Christ gave us these gifts to help continue equipping the saints into maturity and kingdom expansion. All the gifts, not only one, are essential for perfecting the saints. Highly esteem all the gifts and don’t speak against or demean any. All of them work in total unison to fulfill God’s glorious purposes. Therefore, be rightly positioned to receive the impact of these supernatural gifts. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
Glory and Honour be unto You Father for Your wisdom is immeasurable. You always know what to do to completely furnish and equip the saints for Your glory. I fully embrace these gifts You have instituted for my uplifting and perfection in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen !
Pray that God’s Spirit would help you to continually position yourself to embrace the gifts unto complete furnishing.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: Romans 1:11
Enjoy A Peaceful Sunday
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