24/7 DOXA Content, 21st June-BEYOND THE CROWD MINDSET Pt.2
FOCAL TEXT: John 6 vs 26►► ”Jesus replied, “Let me make this very clear, you came looking for me because I fed you by a miracle, not because you believe in me.” ~| TPT |_____________________________________
BLESSED greetings Cherished one. Miracles seekers are only result-oriented, not transformative- oriented. They go for what they want, no what the Master desires for them. Note, all those who received miracles from Jesus Christ in the Bible, we never heard of their exploits again; because to them, the results they wanted had come.
This is a pathetic situation we have in some churches today; *they are praying to God only because of what God can give them; afterwards, they have no impact or influence in the community or generation.* Such folks hardly attend Bible Studies for their personal growth. In Mark 16:17, Jesus said signs will follow whose believe in Him, not those who chase after Him for miracles.
*Beloved, we’ll need miracles one way or the other in our lives but we are not supposed to prioritise miracles above the person, teachings and instructions of our Lord Jesus Christ.* Most of the times miracles are signs for unbelievers to believe in Jesus Christ. But to the believers, you must serve the Lord in season and out of season, in challenges, in lack and abundance, and at all times. Live beyond the crowd mindset and serve God as a believer who yearns for transformation at all levels. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always !_
_Precious Lord, I thank You for all the blessings that flow from You. I thank You for making my life a bundle of impact for my generation. I prioritise Your personality and teachings in my life above any else. I live a life of exploits by the powerof Your word. Hallelujah!_
_Pray and thank the Lord for the empowerment to prioritize His teachings above all things._

_*You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.*_
*Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday*

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