24/7 DOXA Content, 21st August-THE MINDSET OF SERVING
24/7 DOXA Content 2018
TUESDAY, 21st August
Matthew 20 vs
26■” That’s not the way it should be among you. Instead, whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant,.-[ISV]
WE’RE living in a century where many crave for positions, entitlement and status without actually engaging in service. Many want to be served and do not have the mindset of servants. *Many get attracted by the glory, greatness or success of some people without becoming interested in their story of service.* Well, Jesus has a word for those who want to be great in a genuine way; and that is greatness starts from serving. You must have and develop a serving attitude or mindset. You can never forfeit service and be great in this life.
Jesus unveiled this reality when the mother of Zebedee’s sons (James and John) came to Jesus to ask a favour from Him. She told Jesus to promise her that He would allow her two sons to sit on His right and left in His Kingdom.Their mindset to have positions and titles might have been influenced by their mother but Jesus admonished them in our focal text. *Cherished one, never desire greatness without a serving attitude.* A servant is one who rightfully and humbly executes the commands of others or master. A servant could be likened to an employee, employer, student, pastor or minister or even anyone in a position of authority.
Wherever you’ve been called to work, make it a point to serve your way to the top. “That’s the way it is with the Son of Man. He did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many people.” (Mat 20:28). Receive that ability to serve into greatness. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.
Glorious Father, I thank You for the admonishment from Your unfailing word. I ask and receive the unrelenting humility and ability to serve You, your work and my generation with what you’ve deposited in me. By so doing, greatness will never elude me in Jesus Name. Amen !_
*◇ Enjoy A Blessed Tuesday◇*
Prayer Alert:
_Pray for the humility and persistent ability to serve effectively ._
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