24/7 DOXA Content, 21st April-THE MINISTRY OF PEOPLE Pt. 2
FOCAL TEXT: Genesis 1 vs 27►► “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God, created he him; male and female created he them.~” | KJV| ______________________________________
GLORIOUS greetings, Cherished one. According to our focal text, God created both male and female (people) in His image. This implies that people are representations of God’s image. However. due to the fall, not everyone acts in line with God’s image and character. People have different opinions, attitudes, lifestyles and character born out of their culture, environment and belief systems. So it’s not always easy to deal with people. Different people have different ministries or assignments to play in your life.
Your dealings, interactions, connections and relationship with people whether relatives, friends, loved ones or people at your workplace add up to the fulfilment of your destiny on earth. Whether you encounter good or bad people, they form part of your story on earth. So learn to recognise the ministry of people in your life. For instance, your parent form the foundation of your early training and nurturing. Your friends either help you become better or bitter. Your loved loves show you a sense of honour, respect, acceptance and appreciation. People who do not even like you are sign of vigilance and security.
Beloved, the people you meet in life have somethings to offer; some act as assets, other acts as liabilities. However, they all add up to the story of your life. *No matter how good or bad people are, you will still interact, work, and connect with them in one way or the other to fulfil destiny or on earth.* Some people you meet today are godly avenues for some privileges and opportunities. Some are devilish platforms to mar your destiny. That’s why people do not quit jobs, they quit people. People do not quit relationships, they quit people. But as a child of God, through the Word and fellowship of the Spirit, you have the wisdom to deal with all manner of people per time in order to fulfil glorious destiny on earth. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
Loving Father, I thank You for placing different people in my way to fulfil my glorious destiny in Your purpose. I trust You because all my interactions, understandings and misunderstanding with people work for my good. Your will is being done in Your perfection as I embrace the ministry of people in Jesus’ Blessed Name. Amen !
Pray and thank Papa God for the wisdom to deal with different kinds of people at different times and seasons to fulfil His purpose.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: 1 Corinthians 15:33
Enjoy A Glorious Thursday
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