FOCAL TEXT: Romans 12 vs 2►► “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God”~|NKJV|______________________________________
GLORIOUS greetings, Cherished one. When you become born again, it is very vital to consciously play your part as a believer. You do not leave everything to God or chances. You must willingly engage in knowing and playing your part by the help of the Holy Spirit. Our focal text says do not be conformed to this world. The “word” conform means to be molded by, fashioned for or patterned together with. This “world” means this age or systems of the secular world which contradict the word of God.
Make that gracious effort that you are not molded, patterned or fashioned like the world. This age has a system of ungodly thinking and lifestyle. It has what it call and accepts as truth. The secular world or systems has no taste for godliness and moral values. That’s why our television is full of immoral behaviour, alcoholism, ungodly music, lyrics and videos. To the world, some acts are normal and they see nothing wrong with it. Do not allow such thinking and lifestyle to mold your life.
Don’t copy from the world of darkness. The world must learn from you because you are the light of the world. The world’s system is characterised by perversion, immorality and ungodliness. Refuse them. 1 John 2:16 says “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” Do not follow the ungodly pattern of this age. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you.
I have the life and nature of God in me. I am being empowered to live like Christ in all aspect of my life. I refuse to conform to this ungodly age of ungodly thinking and lifestyle. I graciously allow God’s word and Spirit to mold and pattern my life in good success in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!
Pray to refuse and denounce the temptation to be conformed to this ungodly world.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: Matthew 5:13,14
Enjoy A Treasured Thursday
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