Psalm 16 vs 11 ►► “You will show me the path of life: In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.”~|NKJV|
SHALOM greetings, Cherished one. In this world of many troubles, conflicts, chaos and challenges, the issue of joy eludes many. This is only true when the real source of your joy is found in a person or thing, aside God. *True joy comes from God. Aside Jesus Christ, there is no true joy. People try to get joy from things but at the long run it’s not fulfilling.* David is revealing to us where we can find fullness or abundance of joy. That is, in God’s presence. God’s presence represents His power, strength, abiding presence.
Note that God’s presence is not only when you have gone to church or praying to God. All those who are in Christ have come to God’s presence. Because Jesus is the only way to the Father. Hebrews 4:16 says ”Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need”. When we come, we obtain mercy and find grace, not burdens and curses. *A presence in which we receive mercy and find grace will definitely give us fullness of Joy in life.*
Beloved, your joy should be rooted in Christ alone because He never fails. *Things can fail you, people can fail you. So if things and people are the yardstick for your joy then you will always be shaky in life.* Despite the challenges and situations you face, never forget that there is joy in His presence. His joy gives you strength to face life (Neh 8:10). Stop crying and worrying, receive the joy in His presence and live the best of life. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
_My joy is rooted in Christ and His presence. Nobody and nothing can give me this kind of joy. I rejoice in Him. The joy of the Lord is my strength. I am energized by His joy. Worry is never part of my life. In Your presence, I am full of joy. I am blessed! Hallelujah!_
_Pray and thank Papa God for the fullness of His joy in all facet of your life._
FURTHER STUDY: Romans 14:17

_*You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.*_
*Enjoy A Peaceful Sunday*

All Souls Gathering Publications
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