FOCAL TEXT: Genesis 1 vs 27
►► “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.~” | KJV|
GRACIOUS greetings, Cherished one. Amongst the many principles and the busy schedules of life is the most important factor that anyone who ignores will never amount to anything in life. This is the people factor. Yes, God is the ultimate of all, but He created people (a body of human beings) for us to connect with on earth. God created people for Himself and for other people.
The people factor is God’s system for establishing relationships, fellowships, love, affection, provisions and purpose on earth. The most tallest buildings were built by people. The finest technologies were invented by people. All the creative innovations we see in our world today are the works of people. God “gave” this earth to mankind. He didn’t give it to Himself or angels or demons. The earth is for humans to dominate and take charge over everything.
Psalm 115:16 says ”The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but he gave the earth to human beings.” If God uses mankind to achieve His assignments on earth. What makes you think you don’t need anyone to succeed? Open wide your eyes and start treating people the way God wants you to. Value them! Yes, there are people who have allowed the devil to manipulate them for evil deeds. But there are still many good people with godly influence. Accept the ministry of people in your life. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
_The Only Wise Father, I thank You for the ministry of people in my life. I believe you carry Your agenda, mission and purpose through people. I thank You for the humility and discerning heart to accept and treat people the way You want me to in Jesus Blessed Name. Amen!_
_Pray and thank God’s Spirit for guiding and leading you to right people in His purpose._

_*You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.*_
FURTHER STUDY: Genesis 1:28
*Enjoy Gracious Wednesday*

ASG Family Publications.