Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds

24/7 DOXA Content 2019 SUNDAY, 18th August-THE LORD, YOUR ALL-SIDES SHIELD

Psalm 3 vs 
3》”But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.”~《AMPLIFIED》

GLORIOUS greetings to you, Cherished one. After David considered the other side of his situation from the revelation of the Lord, He continues to say “YOU, O LORD”. Thus, he acknowledges the Lord, not any other higher man, connection or protocol. For the LORD is the best and surest way of escape from any predicament. So no matter what you’re going through beloved, remember that you have the Lord. Acknowledge His presence amidst the situation. Don’t bring Him at the last minute. No, engage him as the alpha and omega in all you go through.

“LORD” means Yehovah, the Self Existing One, but in the New Testament, He is known as the Master, the controller or the supreme in authority or command. The moment you call on the Lord He comes to save and takes over by His power. Moreover, David unveils another revelation of who the Lord is to him. He said the Lord is his shield. Therefore, you must walk with the revelation of who the Lord is to you. He is a shield for you. According to our focal text, the Lord had become a weapon for you. And that weapon is a shield; a shield is a weapon for defending yourself against the attacks of the adversary from all directions.

Beloved, if an old Testament folk knew this, then as a New covenantee you must know better. The Lord is your ultimate and absolute shield. In other words, the Lord is your protector, buckler and defence. Build your life on this revelation and stop being fearful of death, failure, curses and incarnations of witches and wizards. The Message Translations says “But you, God, shield me on ALL SIDES; Hallelujah! O, declare boldly that the Lord is your shield. Yes, you are not without defence. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, I have made the Lord my shield. He is my defence and protection. I am not without defence. No force can successfully stand against me. You are my unfailing shield protecting me in all directions. I am sound, safe and secured in You my Lord. Hallelujah!

*◇ Enjoy A Beautiful Sunday ◇*

Prayer Alert:
_Pray and thank God for being your everlasting shield of defence._
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