Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds

24/7 DOXA Content 2019 SATURDAY, 8th June-EXPRESSION OF LOVE

1 John 3 vs
17》》” But whoever has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, then closes his heart of compassion against him, how does God’s love remain in him”~》》WEB》


BLESSED greetings to you, Cherished one. We thank God for another glorious day. Yesterday, we were admonished by God’s word to love one another because God so loved us. Today, we’re learning how to express love to one another. For love has a language and lifestyle. First, you can express your love to one other through “healthy” giving, one without any strings attached. The sacred scripture shows us in John 3:16 that God loved and gave us His only begotten Son. No matter how you profess love to someone, it is incomplete without giving. For Love is a giver.

Some of the valuable things to give to express love include: Yourself; time and substance. First of all, give yourself to the person. In other words, you must be available in person to the ones you profess to love. That’s why God didn’t sit in heaven to profess His love for us; Rather, He came closer to us as Emmanuel (God with us) till He became Christ in us. Secondly, you would have to give your time. Yes, time is one valuable resource that must be respected in love. You’ll always get time for the ones or things you love. Stop always being busy towards the ones you love. Prove your love by the quality time you spend with others.

The third one is your substance such as gifts, money, clothes, or anything worthwhile. Beloved, buying gifts for one another should not only exist between married couples. Extend this to those in the household of faith. Another healthy way to express love is to engage in seasoned salty communication. Learn to speak words of comfort and encouragement to one another. Know how to answer one another and speak the truth in love, not in hatred or malice. Giving yourself, time, substance and healthy communication matter a great deal to expressing love one to another. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

Father of all true love, I thank You for teaching me how to express love to one another. I humble receive Your daily guidance to walk in love towards the brethren. By the power of Your love at work in me, my heart of compassion is opened to love all those in my embrace in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!

◇ Enjoy A Blissful Saturday◇

Prayer Alert:
Pray that God’s power is helping you to love as always.
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