Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds

24/7 DOXA Content 2019 FRIDAY, 7th June-LOVING ONE ANOTHER

1 John 4 vs
11》》” Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.”~》》NKJV》

Lovely greetings to you, Cherished one. We thank God for His great mercies towards us. WE ARE commanded to love God and people as declared by the Holy Scriptures. This implies that we must live a lifestyle of love. Love has a language and expresses itself in positive action. Love speaks according to its nature. To walk in love, must understand its principles. As a New Creation, you have the godly discipline to love God and people (Rom 5:5). The first reason to help you love God is because He first loved you (1 John 4:19). He made the first love proposal even when you didn’t know Him (John 3:15; Romans 5:6,8).

Another factor is love Him for who He is. He is faithful, He is love. He is love-personified. He envelopes His thoughts, words and actions in love. You can also express your love to God based on the things He does for you. Above all, love God unconditionally; For He loves you unconditionally. Beloved, if God so loved you, then you must extend that love to others. There are different calibre of people; some are good; some are bad; some are generous; others are wicked etc. But in all, there is a kind of love that stretches beyond the mistakes or deeds of people. It focuses on bringing out the best in others at all times.

And that’s the God kind of love. Use that love of God in you to bring out the best in others. You can’t love God and hate your neighbour. For loving others is loving God. Use love to build up and correct others. Mend the brokenhearted with the power of God’s love in you. Be kind, generous and patient when dealing with people. Our focal text unveils that loving others is a must because Papa God has shown us so much love. It is wickedness to receive the love of the Father for yourself and never extend it to others. Let’s live out the lifestyle of love at all times despite the challenges. The rich grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.

The love of God is shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit. Like a spring of living water it bursts forth from within me. Even when it’s challenging, I’ll still choose to love God and people by His grace. By so doing I am turning many to the Kingdom of love in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen !

◇ Enjoy A Favoured Friday◇

Prayer Alert:
Pray that God’s ability in you is causing you to love others.
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