Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds

24/7 DOXA Content 2019 FRIDAY, 27th December-REFUSE ENTICING WORDS OF MAN

1 Corinthians 2 vs
4》”And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.”~》 King James Version, KJV》

FAVOURED greetings to you, Cherished one. *Our generation does not need anything different from the real authentic ministry which Christ brought and was perpetuated by the early Apostles.* Any minister or Christian should, therefore, endeavour to follow the same pattern else will end in a wrong destination. Our focal scripture unveils to us the authenticity of a true ministry, from a true Apostle or minister.

First, the speech, message or declaration, preaching (which means the proclamation of the gospel) is not from enticing words of mere man’s wisdom. Thus, the major inspiration of the message we need is not one which comes from the so called great thinkers, philosophers, scholars, professors and scribes whose wisdom are from themselves and have no basis of divine inspiration. Remember, the enticing words of man’s wisdom are persuasive, and can never satisfy you eternally.

It can only soothe your emotions and whet your appetite for secular acceptance, not Christ’s. The Christian life is different. The Church is not a “cage box” for hearing seducing, lying, enticing, persuasive and convincing words from man’s wisdom. Man’s wisdom is mostly limited, sensual and carnal. Man’s wisdom engages in what pleases the senses or flesh. There is so much wickedness in this world because of man’s wisdom which doesn’t stem from divine influence. Minister of God, the sheep God gave you is bigger than being fed with enticing words of man’s wisdom. Be wary of that and stick to the authentic word of God. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.

Dear Cherished Father, I thank You for guiding me into messages which are demonstrated by Your Spirit through your anointed servants. I refuse to rely and depend on the enticing words of man’s wisdom. I stand and live by the words which stem from Your matchless wisdom in Jesus Blessed Name. Amen!

◇ Enjoy A Favoured Friday ◇

Prayer Alert:
_Pray and refuse to rely on the enticing words man’s wisdom._
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