Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds

24/7 DOXA Content 2019 FRIDAY, 13th September-REMEMBER OTHERS

Genesis 40 vs
14》”But keep me in mind when things go well for you. Be sure to extend kindness to me by remembering me to Pharaoh. Bring me out of this prison.”~《ISV》

FAVOURED greetings to you, Cherished one. In the journey of life, you need God before you can rightly succeed. And Papa God will bring forces in the form of angels and human agents in your life.Our focal text unveils the life experience of Joseph when became a prisoner in Egypt because he decided to keep his integrity for God by refusing to lie with Potiphar’s wife. *However, even in the prisons, he was still fulfilling his destiny by divinely interpreting dreams.* It is at this time that He interpreted a dream for the chief’s cupbearer and made a candid confession in our focal text. He said “keep me in mind when things go well for you.” In other words, REMEMBER me when it goes well for you and shows me kindness. Thus, his heart was yelling “Don’t forget me”.

We go through diverse challenges per time, but when things go on well for you, remember others. Remembering others in times of your prosperity is a godly act. It fulfills the principle of loving your neighbour as yourself. Whether you believe it or not, there are people who will help, connect, recommend or talk well of you in order for you to get to your next higher level. Never forget those who help you in your time of difficulties. Keep them in mind and remember them. Some people forget such divine helpers and connectors and arrogantly fight them when they get to the top. Such an attitude is ungodly and evil.

In life, you may not always know the people God is going to use to help you in one way or the other. So be kind and remember the good people and the good things they did for you and return with kindness when it has been well with you. The chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph early before Pharoah, but God caused Pharoah to have a dream before the cupbearer remembered Joseph and that was the road to his elevation as a prime minister in a foreign land. (Genesis 40:23_ 41:9,12,14, 40,41). May the Lord cause anyone who should remember you in their moment of prosperity to do so right now as you also remember others in Jesus Name. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

Precious Father, You glorious are perfect in all Your ways. I thank You for positioning me in a place where I can fully fulfill the assignment You gave me. You are causing the right people to remember me and show me kindness as I also do the same to others. I refuse to be selfish and greedy. I extend a heart of gratitude and a remembering mind to help others in Jesus Mighty Name.

◇ Enjoy A Favoured Friday◇

Prayer Alert:
_Pray that God’s Spirit would always empower you to remember and help others in your prosperity._
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