24/7 DOXA Content, 1st June-CRYING OUT “ABBA , FATHER” Pt.1
FOCAL TEXT: Galatians 4 vs 6►►”And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out,” Abba, Father”.~| NKJV|_____________________________________
GRACIOUS greetings Cherished one. Religion has painted many wrong pictures about God. It has portrayed God as a “hard” being who is waiting to strike you with a rod if you mess up. Due to this and others, the true loving nature of God is not appreciated by many. *However, as a New Creation in Christ, you must graduate from knowing God only by His Name to knowing Him through a relationship.*
The real Christian life exhibited by the Christ goes much further than mere religious gimmicks and accolades. Jesus Christ unveiled to us the Fatherhood of God. Therefore God is your Father, get this straight ! He gave birth to you in Christ (John 1:12). *Knowing God as your Father will transform your entire Christian life. For fatherhood unveils a sense of source, relationship, authority and responsibility.*
In our focal text the word “Abba” is an Aramaic language which means Father. In a more deep term, “Abba” refers to what the modern society calls “Daddy”, thus a very close personal relationship; a great sense of intimacy (the father-child kind of relationship) (Mark 14:36). Beloved, feel free and at home to call him Daddy when talking to Him. *Trust His Fatherhood and all that He stands for.* The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always. Amen!
_My Precious Daddy, thank You for loving me to the uttermost ; thank You for sending Your begotten Son to die for me. Thank You for this lovely atmosphere of intimacy and unfeigned love that binds us together. I am glad to know You are my Daddy and I am your lovely child. I am enjoying all the benefits of being a child of the Most High God in Jesus’ Blessed Name. Amen!_
_Pray and thank Daddy God for all the blessings that from His relationship with you as His child._

_*You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.*_
FURTHER STUDY: Colossians 2:2
*Enjoy A Gracious Wednesday*

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