Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds


FOCAL TEXT: Proverbs 21 vs 31
►► ”The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but deliverance is of the LORD”~|NKJV|

FRUITFUL greetings Cherished one. Adequate preparation is needed in almost every facet of life. Even in music, great preparation precedes excellent performance. Our focal text unveils that a horse is prepared for the day of battle, not on the day of battle. If you prepare only on the day of battle, you may end up being a casualty. Preparation is very vital because there are diverse challenges in this life which demands toughness and a persistent approach. *Preparation implies being made ready, set up, determined and endowed with the required resources for a task ahead. It is one way to arm yourself with the right weapons or tools to face a particular challenge.*

*A life of great exploits is not achieved in a pool of laziness, ignorance, idleness or fancy talks.* It is achieved with a conscious effort of building up knowledge and applying practical wisdom in life. However, as a child of God created anew in Christ, you must understand the battle from a different perspective. One, your battle is a fight of faith against all the wiles, deceptions and works of the enemy. Two, you fight from victory, as a winner. Thus, you are already made more than a conqueror to triumph over any challenges (Romans 8:31-38). *You are born victorious in Christ to maintain or enforce or walk in the victory Christ worked for you.*
Walking with this mindset is key to making exploits in life. Therefore, you must sit up and arm yourself with God’s knowledge; for it takes the sword of the Spirit to wage war successfully. *Beloved, allow the Word to inform and transform you in your spiritual life, finances, mentality, relationships, business-wise, etc. Victory comes from the Lord to the prepared mind because he wars with the knowledge of God’s word.* The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
I am prepared for exploits in every facet of my life by the power of the Holy Spirit. I refuse to face this life based on my sense knowledge, rather I engage the victory Christ purchased for me. By faith, I have the victory and I gloriously triumph over every challenge in Jesus Blessed Name! Amen !
Pray and engage yourself for a glorious triumphing life in Christ against every challenge.
You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: 1 Timothy 4:15
Enjoy A Fruitful Monday
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