Gospel XYZ

Impacting Evolving Minds

24/7 DOXA Content 2019 MONDAY, 18th March-GET TO WORK IN DILIGENCE

John 9 vs
4》》 “We need to be energetically at work for the One who sent me here, working while the sun shines. When night falls, the workday is over.”》》MSG》

SOME good deposits given to all include abilities, gifts, talents or potentiaIs. *I strongly believe that there is no useless person on this earth.* Everyone has been given something worthwhile to benefit. If you don’t know yours, go on an inventory and discover it. In our world today, many have been successful by developing their talents and giftings in competence. Do not ignore the talents, potentials and gifts God has placed within you. He knows the reasons why He put them there. Therefore, make every moment count as you utilize the good opportunities of life, time, abilities, talents and giftings.

In our focal text, Jesus laid emphasis on the necessity which was laid on Him to be energetically at work for the One who sent Him. In other words, He had no time to lazy around. Beloved, you must also see the necessity to be working for your Creator by maximising good opportunities in all diligence.Thus, use the life, time and gifts given to you to glorify God and help people. You don’t receive these things from your Maker and use them to serve another purpose. Also, Jesus said the best time to work is the DAY or sun shines.

The “sunshine or DAY” symbolises the moment of life, time, strength, vigor, health. While you have these things, avoid procrastination and excuses and get to work in diligence. *The Lord hates laziness and doesn’t bless sluggards.* Be energetically at work whether for the government or private or self in diligence. Jesus worked very hard till He accomplished His assignment. Be diligent and maximise every good opportunity God brings your way. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always. Amen!

_Diligent Father, I thank You for the opportunity of life, time and abilities given to me. I rely on Your Holy Spirit for a discerning heart, wisdom and understand to fully utilize these opportunities for good in all diligence. Today, I am a blessing to my generation in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!_

*◇ Enjoy A Fruitful Monday ◇*

Prayer Alert:
_Pray that the wisdom and understanding from God would guide you to maximise these opportunities for good in all diligence._
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