FOCAL TEXT: Numbers 23 vs 19►► “God is not a man, that He should lie; Nor a son of man, that He should repent: Has He said, and will not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?.”~|NKJV|_____________________________________
SHALOM greetings Cherished one. Beloved, would you go to a poor person for money? Would you follow a liar to know the truth? Would you love to associate with a twister to fulfill his promises? The answer to these questions will be No; because none of them have what they’ve promised. *But God is faithful and therefore can be trusted at all times to deliver and fulfill all His promises. He hasn’t failed anyone yet, so you can put all your trust in Him. And you will never be put to shame.* Our focal text in context refers to a response Balaam gave to Balak concerning what God has declared to him previously about the Nation of Israel (Numbers 22:18).
Balak was doing all he could so that the prophet would curse the people God had already pronounced blessed. And he revealed one striking reality that _“God is not a man”._ Balaam was addressing Balak the faithfulness of God as compared to man. *Any word God utters is so strong and eternal as Himself (Hebrews 4:12). There is no iota of lie in Him. In fact He doesn’t lie and cannot lie. It’s not part of His nature. God is truth and associates Himself with truth.* He stressed on the fact that man can lie at different times and situations (Romans 4:3). But there is no way or situation that will cause God to lie or fail (Psalm 89:33).
He surpasses all in faithfulness. God is not limited in anyway. Unlike man, God can do anything within any time-frame, location, distance or boundary. All His promises are yea and Amen. The Bible declares His faithfulness endures forever. So keep on making Him your hope and the anchor of your faith. His faithfulness causes Him to deliver, provide, protect, supply and bless. Put all your trust in His faithfulness and watch your life blossoming in glory and honour. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
My Faithful Father is not a man to lie, disappoint or fail me. His word stands sure and forever established. He is the immortal, invincible, only wise God. His faithfulness endures forever. I put all my trust in His faithfulness for my successes. I shall never be moved in His faithfulness towards me. GLORY! Hallelujah!
_Pray and declare your allegiance to His faithfulness in all aspect of your life ._

_*You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.*_
FURTHER STUDY: Lamentation 3:23
*Enjoy A Peaceful Sunday*

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