24/7 DOXA Content, 18th December-THE VOICE OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD*
_____________________________________FOCAL TEXT: John 10 vs 27►► “My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.~| NET |_____________________________________
BLISSFUL greetings Cherished one. Many voices are trending in our world today. But there is a voice which has eternal value and essence. All that He says is truth without lies. And that’s the voice of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd. His voice transcends generations upon generations. Any person or generation that trivializes the voice of Jesus Christ is in danger. The voice you listen to determines the results of your life. In the beginning, our first parent listened to the cunning voice of the devil and this brought negative repercussions. Hearing the wrong voice birthed unbelief in their hearts which caused them to rebel against the voice of the Lord (Genesis 3:1-10).
Hearing the wrong voice will make you doubt and question the true word of God. It will also make you lose trust in His voice. Noah saved himself and his family from the flood by heeding to God’s voice. Listening to the voice of the Good Shepherd leads you to safety. His voice shields you from evil, negativity and failures of this life. His voice gives you guidance, direction and a victory perspective about life. Which voice is reigning over your life at this time? Selah!
The voice of your family background or nation’s economy is not superior to that of Jesus. In our focal text, Jesus made a vivid statement that His sheep listens to His voice. So anyone who claims to be a sheep and constantly refuses to listen to the voice of Christ is not a sheep. It takes recognition, meekness and humility to listen to the voice of the Good shepherd. Beloved, listen to Christ Jesus because His voice is the perfect voice for all-around victory and successes. All other grounds are sinking sand. Pay attention to His voice and act on it, and you will never be put to shame. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always. Amen!
Dear Father, I thank You for the grace to listen to Your perfect voice for direction, guidance and good successes. I refuse to doubt Your voice of love, peace, power and glory. I am enjoying the benefits of listening and applying the truth in Your voice in Jesus blessed Name. Amen!
Pray and thank Daddy God for the increased grace to listen and apply His voice at all times.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: Hebrews 3:7,8
Enjoy A Blissful Saturday

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