24/7 DOXA Content, 17th September-THE FOCUS OF HIS LOVE
FOCAL TEXT: Ephesians 1 vs 4►► ”Long before he laid down earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love.” ~| MSG |_____________________________________
FAVOURED greetings Cherished one. KING David asked _“What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him?” (Psalms 8:4)._ With all the earth and its fullness, provisions, abundance and laws, God had mankind in mind to enjoy them. I believe there wouldn’t be any earth without any man to inhabit it. Yes, God intentionally made this earth for the enjoyment of mankind. “The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s; But the earth He has given to the children of men” (Psalms 115:16). To God, mankind is never a mystery. He orchestrated everything all by Himself for His own glory.
This is why even after the fall, the love, grace and mercy of God kept on flowing to mankind. To crown it, God sent forth His only begotten Son to unveil the real nature of God to mankind (John 1:18 ). Our focal text unveils that God had us in mind. Thus, the New Creation is not a haphazard unplanned creature. Beloved, rejoice, for you are God’s treasured treasure. You were planned by God for salvation, redemption, health, righteousness, prosperity etc. You are the true image and likeness of God as revealed in the image, nature, power and lifestyle of Christ.
He chose you in Christ to make you holy and blameless before Him. Friend, all these glorious revelations go for those who have believed and embraced JESUS CHRIST; Yes, the only way to enjoy the fullness of God’s love and blessings is to believe and live for Jesus all your lifetime. God’s provision of salvation, care, love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, kindness, goodness and benevolence towards you prove that you are the FOCUS of HIS love. Therefore live as such. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
Father, all Your ways are perfect and beautiful. I thank You for creating me in the midst of abundance and making me the focus of Your love. I receive much grace to live for You alone in Jesus Blessed Name! Amen!
Pray and thank your heavenly Father for making you the focus of His love and empowering you to stay in love with Him all your lifetime.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: Ephesians 2:4
Enjoy A Favoured Friday

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