24/7 DOXA Content, 17th July-THE LORD, YOUR GLORY
FOCAL TEXT: Psalm 3 vs 3
►► “But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.”~| AMPLIFIED |
FAVOURED greetings, Cherished one. In times of persecution, David saw the Lord as his shield and his glory. He didn’t blame God, rather he drew revelation from who God is to him. What a powerful truth! It is such a blessing to know and walk in the revelation that the Lord is your glory. Beloved, are you born again? Have you believed in the Lord Jesus Christ? Then you are not without glory. He is your glory. He is your brightness. He is your shining splendour. Hallelujah!
“Glory”, as used in the Hebrew is “Kabod”, the Greek is Doxa”. “Kabod” means “weighty or heavy”. It is the Lord who has become your weight or heaviness in this vain world. Without Him, there is no glory, but shame and meaningless life. Therefore, you are not an empty vessel, but a glory vessel since His Spirit lives in you. He is the weight that makes you unshakable by the storms of life.
“Doxa” means the dignity, brightness, splendour, magnificence and excellence of God. It represents the all in all of God; Thus, all that He is and stands for. If you are in Christ, then the Lord is both your “Kabod and Doxa”. That’s why you should not bow to anything less of Him. You cannot be put to shame and disgrace if you see the Lord as your glory. Stick to the Lord as your glory and enjoy the blessed radiance and benefits that come from Him. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
The Lord is my unfailing shield and everlasting glory. I cannot be put to shame. He has become my honour, splendour, excellence and magnificence. The weight of His glory makes me different from the world. I walk, think, speak, advance, triumph and make glorious progress by the power of my Lord, my Glory. Hallelujah!
Pray and thank God for being your everlasting glory for a glorious life.
Enjoy A Favoured Friday
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