24/7 DOXA Content, 17th January-BLESS, DO NOT CURSE
FOCAL TEXT: Romans 12 vs 14►► “Bless those who persecute you; bless, and don’t curse.”-| WEB |_____________________________________
SHALOM greetings Cherished one. When it comes to Christian conduct, there are certain things you are not designed to do. Yes, the born again Christian is one born of God to do the will of God not his own will. Such people have attained a certain level of growth and maturity. They are not just churchgoers but those who dignify Christ and His character in their lives. They consider the authority of God’s word as final standard over their lives.
One Christian conduct is blessing others instead of cursing them. Wrong teachings have made some Christians hate and curse conscious than blessing conscious. Our focal text teaches us how a Christian should behave towards people. It talks about your relationship with others. It says bless those who persecute you. Persecutors are those who harass, mistreat or trouble you. Jesus said the world will persecute us because of the gospel. They will speak and even wish evil for us. The devil carries this agenda through people.
However, we are to bless them. Blessing them implies speak well of them, treat them well and invoke praises on them. Do not curse them. To curse means to imprecate evil or doom upon someone. You are full of the life and blessing of God so bless rather than curse. This sound crazy and out of human sense, but it makes spiritual sense to the spiritually matured. God wants us to act like Him; to show unconditional love to people who don’t even like us. Bless, don’t curse. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always.
I have got the life of God in me. I speak life and not death in my world of contact. I am blessed and full of God’s blessings, I refuse to curse others. I express the love of God shed abroad in my heart to others by invoking a blessing upon them. My love for them increases as I do this in Jesus lovely Name. Amen!
Pray that God’s Spirit would keep on empowering you to bless others and never curse them.

You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.
FURTHER STUDY: James 3:9-12
Enjoy A Peaceful Sunday
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