24/7 DOXA Content, 17th December-IGNORE THE “NOISE”, LISTEN TO HIS VOICE
_____________________________________FOCAL TEXT: Jeremiah 42 vs 6►►“Whether it is pleasing or displeasing, we will obey the voice of the LORD our God to whom we send you; that it may be well with us, when we obey the voice of the LORD our God.”~|NKJV|_____________________________________
FAVOURED greetings Cherished one. Many do not pay attention to the voice of God, but rather pay attention to other voices around. Some folks can be so much concerned about what people are saying about them to the extent that they forget what God has told them. The voice you pay attention to is the one which dominates your thinking and thought pattern. Avoid the extreme talk of “he said, she said or they said ” and ask yourself ” What has God said” ? Treat any voice that contradicts God idea about your life as “noise”. Ignore voices such as “You are poor, you are sick, your family background is cursed, you can’t make it, you are a failure”. Treat such voices as “noise” from the devil.
Though the devil will keep on making noise around, through diverse challenges and people, keep on heeding to God’s voice. Walk with the voice of God concerning your Christian life, finances, business, marriage, job, ministry, health etc. It is always worthwhile to listen and walk with the voice of God. In Genesis 3 vs 8, God used to come and speak with the first parent at the cool of the day in the garden. Things were going on very well until they paid heed to another strange voice (devil). They accepted the lies of the evil one as truth and messed up the whole human race.
However, throughout scripture, all those who obeyed His voice enjoyed a continued victory in all they did. You must know that the basic way to hear God’s voice is through His Word, by taking a daily “dose” of the Bible in revelation and understanding. Feast on the word ! Also fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Beloved, the end result is always success when you heed to God’s voice and ignore the noise of the devil and the environment. There is no peace in his noise. Enjoy listening and living Your Maker’s voice for glorious prosperity. The rich grace of our Lord Jesus Christ abounds towards you always. Amen!
_Your word is a lamp to my feet and light to my paths. Your Word is the voice that leads and guides me to fulfill my divine destiny. I treat any other voice that contradicts Yours as noise. I am above the noise of the devil, world and mankind. By Your voice, I am prosperous and have good success; yea I have a goodly heritage in Jesus Blessed Name. Amen!_
_Pray and thank Papa God for the ability to heed to the voice of God and ignore that of the devil and the environment._

_*You are not safe until you are saved. Believe in Jesus Christ Now, if you haven’t.*_
FURTHER STUDY: John 10:4-5
*Enjoy A Favoured Friday*

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